Update (update time!)


Hello! I’m just here to mention that the “project involving Marbles” probably won’t ever be worked on! Wow! Surprising right? Hahahaha…

Anyways! That’s not all this is here for! Otherwise I probably wouldn’t make this post.
There’s more!
I’ve also come here to tell you the good news, I’ve finished the Crew’s posts! Woo! I also still made Marbles’ post like I said I would even though I’m not ever going to finish her project! Yay! This means I’m now going to create character posts in whatever order I want, what fun!
A little sneak peek: Josey Silvervale is going to be next! (Supposedly)

 But wait! I’m not done yet!
Here’s some actual updates and changes (because I’ve updated some stuff and you won’t know unless I tell you haha)

-Updates and changes-

•The “Planet Info Dump” post mentioned 
in the last Update has been added

•The Digital art Gallery has been updated
-New artwork (plus more coming soon)
-Changed concept art (I had to change some 
heights mentioned as they were not accurate)
-There is now a Height Chart and Timeline in the Gallery

•The “Introduction to Endurance” Post has been updated
-the Crew’s links have been added (it’s not just Lex anymore)
-a section on the Timeline has been added, as I found it 
important to mention. If you don’t know much about it you
may find it useful to go check that out.


That’s all! I don’t think there’s anything else to address.
Bye, bye~

*I would also like to add that I will not be doing an Update every time I change something, I’m only going to do it when I feel it necessary to point out something*


  1. Nice! I saw a few of these changes but some of them I definitely wouldn’t of noticed lol 😅

    1. Exactly why I made this :)


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