


(images found on Pinterest)


Flicker is a young Flicker Tail, he has dark colored eyes with purple pupils, an easy sign that he holds the weight of a long since shifted heritage. Flicker has always been a curious soul, he would wander in the forest and watch animals and wildlife species, he would climb trees and skip stones. Often he would look around his own home town, wondering what it would be like if the trees were a different color, if the sky had no sun, or if the creatures that lived there looked nothing like what he was used to. This curiosity attracted many Rune Whisps to him, but one Whisp stayed by his side. The other Flicker Tail’s noticed the Rune Whisp had no intent on leaving Flicker’s side and begun congratulating him, Flicker eventually became friends with the Whisp, and named it Glyph. Flicker speaks only his native language, Flickish, having only heard snippets of Shomeir from the species who would come to New Leaf for Server check-ins, because of this he’s the only one on the crew who doesn’t speak fluent Shomeir, and needed Pixie as a translator to communicate with the crew for the first few months. He began taking classes with Pixie in order to learn, and while he picked it up fairly quickly, there was still many phrases and words he didn’t know, as Shomeir is a very large and widely spoken language. Flicker gets embarrassed easily, and this often shows when he says an incorrect word or phrases things wrong, because of this, he will sometimes seclude himself to his chair (a seat at the front of the ship draped with quilts) and journal with Glyph, staying there for hours on end, and often forgetting to take care of himself in the process, as he gets lost in his inner world.

Flicker’s Flame Chaser heritage—

One day when Flicker was wandering in the forest, he had been lost in his inner world, and wasn’t paying attention to his surrounding, or rather, he was paying too much attention to his imaginary surroundings. He suddenly tripped on a tree root and fell down a hill, breaking his lamp and blowing out the candle, his only heat source. Glyph was with him, and knowing the nature of Flicker Tail’s, quickly turned and flew towards the village, however what it didn’t know was that Flicker wasn’t just freezing, he was transforming, turning rabid. As Flicker stumbled around in his beastly form, desperately searching for a heat source, Glyph made it back to the village, getting some villagers attention, and gathered a small search party. They found Flicker an hour later, but wasn’t prepared to be nearly mauled by a giant, white furred creature. After some tumbling and ducking, they managed to wrap a lamp around Flicker’s elongated tail, and as he shrunk back to his small frame, he noticed all the damage that had transpired. Broken trees, broken limbs, bruised bodies, a few concussions. That day not only wounded multiple Flicker Tail’s, but it also wounded Flicker’s spirit, he was horrified, he had heard about Flame Chaser’s, but he was never told that he was one. His parents kept him in the house for a month, but he stayed in longer, it took him a year to feel comfortable in the woods again, but he would no longer feel comfortable with himself.

Goal: To take pictures of and journal about planets outside of his home

Thing that gets in the way of his goal: His Flame Chaser heritage

Major flaw: Empathetic, Self-sacrifice tendencies


As per being a Flame Chaser, Flicker has the ability to transform into a large, white beast. In this form Flicker has increased strength, being able to knock down trees and small buildings with his large frame. Flame Chasers used to have the ability to withstand frigid conditions, however this ability has long since faded after the Flicker Tail’s immigrated to a warmer planet, meaning Flicker does not posses this ability, a key attribute of what the Flame Chasers used to be. While most Flicker Tail’s losing their lamp would simply result in fear as they slowly freeze to death, looking for a heat source, Flicker’s Flame Chaser heritage causes him to instantly transform, going into a frenzy as his instincts kicks in and causes him to search for any heat source in desperation, hoping to save himself from freezing. However, being ten times his size, this often causes him to appear as dangerous and rabid, which is unfortunately half true. Being a Flicker Tail, Flicker also has increased strength despite his small frame, as well as the ability to absorb heat from his tail by wrapping it around a heat source (that being a hand-held lamp, a lamp post, or a torch) to combat his extremely cold blooded body, Flicker Tails can also share heat sources by wrapping their tail around another tail with a heat source. Similarly, Flicker can wrap his tail around Lex’s arm, and so long as Lex holds a ball of fire in his hand, Flicker can get enough heat to sustain himself.


Flicker has a small frame, skin as white as chalk, and fluffy white hair with light purple tips. He has navy blue eyes with purple pupils, small black horns, and a thin, black tail. As per being a Flicker Tail, he adorns their characteristics.

Relationships with the crew--

Lex was the first of the crew Flicker met, he first viewed him as a cool, experienced traveler, but later figured out Lex was a lot more clueless than he originally thought. Because Lex can conjure fire, and works as a safeguard for Flicker, Flicker’s parents dubbed Lex Flicker’s “bodyguard,” as he proved that he could keep Flicker under control. Overall, Flicker see’s Lex as a good friend, even if he sometimes belittles Flicker while trying to protect him.

Pixie is the one Flicker gets along with the most, as he could actually talk to her without worrying about messing up and embarrassing himself. He often goes to Pixie when he needs someone to talk to, as she’s the one he knows the best and is most comfortable with. Pixie is very routine oriented, and it annoys her when she sees someone not properly taking care of themself, so while everyone else just lets Flicker indulge in his seclusion, Pixie will actually go up to him and make sure he’s eating and taking care of himself. While some might find Pixie’s actions of care annoying or demanding, Flicker doesn’t mind, as he knows she means well. To Flicker, Pixie is a good friend and reminds him of a very caring aunt.

Arinnetta annoys Flicker, and it’s not because she plays tricks on him, it’s actually the opposite. She doesn’t play tricks on him because she’s overly cautious with him, she’s protective in a way that someone might be towards a younger sibling who can’t properly take care of themselves. This annoys Flicker greatly, the entire crew, excluding Barry, belittles him in one way or another, due to them all being at least seven Shomeir years older than him, but Arinnetta’s protective nature is often entirely unnecessary. Flicker loves Arinnetta as a friend, truly, but he just can’t always see eye to eye with her.

Flicker didn’t understand why Barry would stay in the ship as much as he did, there was always so much to see, he wondered if Barry had already seen it all before. Pixie had explained to Flicker that Barry preferred to stay in the ship because he drew too much attention, but it wasn’t until later that Flicker learned what she meant by that, he saw the stares Barry got, the way people inched away from him when they noticed what he was. Flicker didn’t understand how someone so relaxed hid the type of dangerous behavior like Barry did, as Flicker felt as if he was constantly on edge, but he could sympathize with using an item as a safeguard against a darker side. Barry and Flicker wouldn’t interact much in the ship, but Barry did seem to find interest in Flicker’s journal, he would watch him write and imprint photos with a type of curiosity Flicker had never seen in him before, it was always nice to see someone so guarded show a side that seemed to be often hidden away.


Other Information—

Age: 16 (Shomeir Age system)

19 (Flickish Age system)

Height: 4’9

Mbti: ISFP or INFP

Voice claim 1: Chongyun (CN) (Genshin Impact)

Accuracy: 8-10

Voice claim 2: Gaming (EN) (Genshin Impact)

Accuracy: 7-10



^Flicker’s Flame Chaser form


  1. Flicker! Such a cute little guy! (In a none belittling way :3 *’u’*)
    - Eevee


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