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Arinnetta is a Purple Hohkey, a mischievous species known for causing trouble wherever they go. She was raised on Hkortess but never knew her biological parents, she was instead raised with her “brothers” and “sisters” as a C-Rank Butterfly Mercenary, where she learned many skill sets required to accomplish secret missions. Arinnetta spent 19 years as a Butterfly before meeting Barry, she was already known to be morally challenged and troublesome as a Butterfly and could easily get attached to an idea without much thought put into it, so it wasn’t too big of a surprise when she ditched the Butterflies to get Barry off of Hkortess. Barry already gained a bounty just by escaping the Butterflies, but Arinnetta could have avoided one if helping Barry didn’t count as a betrayal, but it did, as Arinnetta not only allowed Barry to escape, but made sure it happened. The two have been on the run from the Butterfly Mercenaries ever since. Arinnetta is hyperactive and incredibly loyal to those she likes, she gets bored easily and treasures novelty, often abandoning one idea for a different one. She is known to enjoy using smoke bombs, and makes them herself, as she is quite the creative and likes to fiddle with things, if only that applied to fixing ships.
Arinnetta’s past:
Goal: To get Barry a longer life span
Thing that gets in the way of her goal: lack of knowledge, Butterfly Mercenary’s
Major flaw: impulsive, attention-seeking
As per being a Purple Hohkey, Arinnetta doesn’t have any special “abilities” like Red or Blue Hohkey’s, however she does have a “Subtraction” that some Hohkey’s have that originates in the eye. It’s not so much a disability as despite seeing things differently, it helps her notice things easier and quicker, Arinnetta will often be described as having a “keen eye.” It’s affect is almost like everything is very vibrant, but outlines and focuses on specific things, which was always very helpful on her home planet, which was already naturally very vibrant. The downside is it’s kind of as if you’re wearing very vibrant kaleidoscope glasses, however this was never a bother to Arinnetta, as she’s lived this way her whole life.
Arinnetta has light purple skin, short dark-purple hair with hot-pink highlights, light pink and blue antennae, sharp teeth with a blue tongue, and one large, light pink eye with a slit pupil on the center of her face. As per being a Purple Hohkey, Arinnetta adorns their characteristics.
Relationships with the crew--
Lex is the victim of many of Arinnetta’s tricks, and the more comfortable she gets around Lex, the more likely it is that she’s going to mess with him. This has caused a few incidents in the past as Lex would get quite mad at her but she wouldn’t listen and would just continue to poke his buttons. However it seems that Lex just accepted Arinnetta’s behavior, and sometimes even messes with her back, or helps Arinnetta mess with Pixie, Lex was quite the troublemaker back on Eleientium, and Arinnetta often allows that side of Lex to resurface. The more the two bonded, the more themselves, as well as the rest of the crew, noticed that they can sometimes get quite in sync with each other, which allows for easy teamwork between the two.
Arinnetta never had any real siblings, and was the youngest of her group, but she always wanted someone who could be her younger sibling. Because of this when Flicker came along she started to view him as a younger sibling, and the more they knew each other, the more she treated him in that way. Along with Lex, she can be pretty overprotective of Flicker, and Flicker and Arinnetta have gotten into many arguments because he doesn't always agree with her ideas, and she doesn't understand why.
Arinnetta finds Pixie’s rules and schedules ridiculous so she doesn’t like following them, bonus points that Arinnetta gets a kick out of Pixie’s reactions when she notices. When Arinnetta was traveling with Barry she was free to do whatever she wanted and Barry never complained or told her to stop, as a Hohkey it’s in her nature to cause trouble and other species expect it, so Arinnetta’s never felt the need to listen to someone when they tell her to stop, it’s kind of pointless, especially if she can get something out of it. Pixie watches Arinnetta like a hawk and is almost always frustrated with her in some way, but Arinnetta couldn’t care less, It’s not like she’s hurting anyone so Pixie will just have to put up with her, and put up with her she does.
Arinnetta is very close to Barry, she’s been with him for a little over two years, but feels as though she’s known him longer. Arinnetta is incredibly loyal to Barry and enjoys being with him, almost to a fault, as she’s dedicated to figuring out how to lengthen his lifespan, she just can’t stand the thought of outliving him by decades. That may sound justified, who wouldn’t want to spend more time with the person they cherished? But this has caused Arinnetta to be extremely tunnel visioned and reckless, she doesn’t have a single clue on how to figure things out and the stress is slowly getting to her, not to mention she hasn’t even told Barry about her bold goal. Arinnetta may seem careless and as if she’s constantly living in the present, but underneath her carefree exterior is someone who is deeply saddened and lost when they think about the future.
Other Information—
Age: 23 Hohkey years (Shomeir Age system)
Height: 5’7”
Mbti: ESFP or ENFP
Voice claim: Pinkie Pie (MLP)
Voice claim accuracy: 9-10
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