Update (kind of)



Also, if you didn’t notice from that little update page, I made myself a selfsona. I wouldn’t normally do this, but I decided to try it out because I wanted a way to portray myself talking in art form, and it was just something to try out. She’s more supposed to be the personification of the type of style/aesthetic I lean towards, she’s literally the characterization of if I had a personal Moodboard. I think of her as more of a “mascot” rather than someone who’s supposed to represent myself personally, if that makes sense… It’s like how I’ve always seen Amani as my main character/“mascot” but it always felt too strange to use her as a way to communicate in art, as she’s her own character and has a story and all that jazz. Anyways, here’s this little character sheet, this was a genuine update but I also wanted to test out the character so yeah. That was all, bye bye.

(Also a little side note of some stuff I forgot to mention, regarding working on this blog, once I finish the post’s for the crew, I’m just going to be posting character profiles in whatever order I feel like. I would love to do more posts on world building but it takes me forever to be able to post something because I typically like drawing out the information, and I want the info to be solidified before it gets drawn and posted. Because of this I’m probably going to make a post of world building info dumps and stuff for the sake of getting it out there because I want some actual world building on this blog gosh dang it! I also have big plans for how I want to portray this story plot-wise so that’s something I’m currently working towards. I did say the the character posts would be random but because of the project I’m working on there’s a 80% chance the next character post after the crew is going to be Marbles, so yeah, enjoy)

(That’s all nothing more, move along)

I don’t think I’m ever actually going to do it ahahaha why must I keep making these empty promises :’)

-Stitch (6/12/24)


  1. Your selfsona’s so cute! :D if I were to do something to portray myself it’d probably be a very doodle-y look’n thing lol -Eevee


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